The Details

2012 (October 25th): D & C for missed miscarriage 8 weeks. They "forgot" to send away for karyotyping. The ineptness of the medical community is staggering.

2012 (October 24th): Forced a local doc (non obgyn) to write me a rx for a scan, Im sure Im no longer pregnant. They act like Im an over nervous mother but comply. Im right. Last measuring 8 weeks exactly - heat stopped beating the same day as my last scan.

2012 (October 2nd): Third scan scheduled. Seems a long way off with my history. Nervous.

2012 (September 19th): Second scan measuring right on 8 weeks. Heartbeat 169bpm. I don't love the new doctor, Im going to keep searching for a new one.

2012 (September 4th): First scan measuring 5 weeks 5 days. Doc and I see a faint, flickering heartbeat. Too faint to measure for a rate.

2012 (August): HCG testing rising slowly

First Beta 112 (10 DPO)
Second Beta 222 (12 DPO)
Third Beta 566 (14 DPO)
Fourth Beta 2996 (19 DPO)

2012 (August): Positive pregnancy test 6 DPO

2012 (May): Begin seeing Naturopath, Acupuncturist & Kinesiologist: Spending about $1000/month on visits, herbs and tinctures. They taste like crap and it seems to be overtaking my life. I push on. I have decided this year is the last year I will try and I want to make it count

2012 (January): Chemical Pregnancy -positive test that turns negative in a matter of days

2011: Testing for Natural Killer Cells  (all clear) Suggest Clexane used at ovulation instead of first positive pregnancy test

2010: Misses miscarriage 8 weeks Fetal Karyotpy normal (girl)

2009:  Missed miscarriage 8 weeks 3 days Fetal Karyotype normal (boy)

2008: Missed miscarriage at 9 weeks Fetal Karyotype normal (girl)

2008: Basic testing for RPL. AntiCardiolipin comes back low positive so Clexane (Lovenox) recommended for future pregnancies along with baby aspirin and progesterone.

2007: Miscarriage at 11 weeks

2006: Miscarriage at 12 weeks 

2003: Preeclampsia ending in a micro premmie (1lb 7 oz) boy who is happy and healthy today!

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